Friday, December 01, 2006

Go US Military!

Real Life Philadelphia Hero is the most interesting post that I have read this morning.

My dad has been hanging out with his military buddies all week. They come together from all over the country each December to see the Army/Navy game. The game is being held in Philadelphia again this year. They will spend the day tailgating, reminiscing and reconnecting before and after the game. There is a brotherly bond between them, as most of them went to war together and have kept in touch for 37 years. My dad and his friends served in the Army during the Vietnam War. A few of the guys were in other branches of the service. All of them were lucky enough to make it home alive--not necessarily in one piece, but alive.

I hope the Navy Officer from Philadelphia, Anthony McCloskey, who wrote Don't Judge Me will make it home safely. I'm sure that his family and friends are waiting with open arms.

I believe that most Americans are proudly anticipating our troops return, as we cheer them on from home.

1 comment:

McSpank said...

I am glad to say I did make it home! Thank you so much for caring.