Saturday, December 09, 2006

Passionate Reservation

I am intensely perceptive and sensitive, even more so a few days before my period, which usually comes soon after the full moon. I usually have a little trouble sleeping a day or two prior to its arrival, as my hormones are taking a dive. It makes me have “fast brain” nights with vivid dreams.

I also spend more time making my house spotless, shiny and tidy, and become fixated on exercising, food and sex.

I have cramps. Sometimes I hate being a female.

Outwardly, I don’t appear to be an intense person. It all happens silently and secretly inside of my head. I am polite and somewhat soft spoken. Strangers wouldn’t guess that I have a fantastic imagination and wild side.

I guess that most adults have learned to play the role of propriety and decency, all the while having hot, dirty and devious thoughts.

Are most of us honest enough to share our ideas? Or are most people too shy to be themselves?

I am usually willing to tell someone exactly what I am thinking, as long as it isn’t something hurtful. I believe that we are all susceptible to strong emotions and warm sensations. I choose to feel them. Otherwise, I think that life would be boring.


Bud said...

Interesting question. I like having a special friend to whom I can tell my wildest thoughts but that wouldn't be just anybody. I'm very picky about what I'll tell to whom. You're making be think about why that might be. Not sure yet.

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